Up To My Ears

September 23, 2009

I’ve been pretty busy the last few weeks with orders, Jackson starting school, and the normal stuff that goes with parenting and home owning. Knitting leg warmers is what’s on my To Do list, and as these things get checked off of the list I get paid. So, I am trying to make knitting a “top” priority. Top meaning it falls after running after a crawling baby that is putting everything in his mouth, after sitting and helping Jackson with his new workbook, after meals are made and the kitchen is clean, BUT before so many other things. Knitting comes before painting my toe nails and mowing the yard. Pretty easy considering I never paint my toes. As for the grass … I’m pretty sure that is normally kicked off of the list and replaced with going to the park. So, unfortunately, the leg warmer output is slow going, but assuredly quality.

P.S. I made a cute little skirt for my friend’s daughter. She is now 1 year old!